Ilya Schwarz | Knightwalker
Every creator has projects that will never see the light of day. Typically, for each music video or feature film a director finishes, four others will be written and abandoned. The same is true in the game business.
Schwarz's concept art.
Toronto game designer Ilya Schwarz describes his process developing Knight Walker, a game idea based on hand-drawn fantasy maps from his youth. The object of the game was to march a knight across a player designed environment, until he is reunited with a giant bee.
Schwarz explains:
"Winning the level depends on the mood of “Knightwalker” character. He has to make the walk from his starting position to the enemy - A Giant Bee placed on the map. The mood of the knight changes depending on the objects he encounters in the level. When he approaches the bee and his mood matches the bee’s mood - he captures it."
Read the rest here.
Knight's expression acts as a status bar for the game.